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Science 8 course outline

Science 8 Course Outline 

Semester 2, 2019 
Office Location & Hours 
Dana Reaume 

M-F, 8:00am – 4:00pm or by appointment @ RSS 
The Ministry of Education has recently made changes to the Science 8 curriculum.  Curriculum documents can be found here: Science 8 has 4 main units: Life Processes, Matter/Atomic Theory, Energy/Waves and Plate Tectonics.   
The new curriculum focuses on project-based flexible learning. We will be using project-based, inquiry strategies for most of this course.  Students will be expected to show up, on time, ready to work in class. The goal of this course isn’t only to teach students the content of the Science 8 curriculum but also how to interact with each other respectfully in order to create successful learning environments.  Other goals will include building creativity, flexible thinking strategies, problem-solving strategies and independence.  When we cooperate, in a safe way, we can learn at a deeper level. Classroom expectations will be co-created as a class community in the first week. More information regarding Core Competencies and integration of First People’s Ways of Learning can be found here:  
 – Bring these everyday  
  • Notebook, paper, pen and pencil, ruler, eraser, coloured pencils, highlighter 
  • textbook 
Sticky notes, markers, glue sticks 
Approximate Date 
Introduction – Safety, start interactive notebooks, policies and procedures  
Unit 1 - Introduction 
Unit 2 – Life Science and Project Presentation 

Unit 3 – Matter and Atoms 
Unit 4 – Energy and Light 
Unit 5 – Plate Tectonics 
Final Project/Presentation 

Assessment and Evaluation Guide: 
Exit slips, checkpoints, quizzes, unit tests, labs = 20% 
Interactive notebooks, projects = 30% 
Self and Peer Assessment/critique = 20% 
Final Project/Presentation = 30%


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