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April 3 blocks 3478

1. Video's:

2. Ms. Carey's math class and Dana's science class joined forces today to do our Density Lab. 
- we measured the length, width and height of rectangular prisms and use either digital or balance scales to measure the mass

Density = Mass / Volume
We measure Mass in grams
We measure volume in cm3 (cubed)

3. We talked about thermal expansion and contraction and Dana demonstrated the ring and ball.  At first the ball does not go through the ring, but after heating the ring. The ball fits.....Why?

  • Then the ball got stuck and students proposed how to get the ball out of the ring. 

4. We cleaned our our binders out and you were each given 4 sticky notes. On the sticky notes you were using the prompts:
I learned....
I can.....
I liked this because...
or any other one

These sticky notes were then placed on the EVIDENCE of learning in your newly organized binder. 


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