Day 1: Layers of the Earth
1. Layers of the Earth Song – As a class we’ll listen to the song twice. First time straight through and
the second time looking at the lyrics and asking students to share on what they heard in the song.
2. Pre-Assessment: Students will be given a pre-assessment on the layers of the earth, three main types of
plate boundaries, the cause and effects of mountain building, volcanoes, and earthquakes.
3. Explore: Side by Side Comparison – Layers of the Earth to Milky way Candy Bar – Students will be given
a snack size Milky Way bar which they will cut in half with their table partner. They will have a couple
of minutes to make observations about each layer in side of the candy bar. They will share out their
observations. Then using their background knowledge students and a word bank, students will try to
match each layer of the candy bar to a layer of the earth.
Explain: Layers of the
4. Earth Foldable – After the previous activity student’s will then take the paper they
picked up at the door fold it so it creates a water fall effect. On the front they will draw a cross-section of
the earth so that each tab corresponds to a different layer. Inside of the tabs students will takes notes on
various characteristics of each layers, including size, composition and unique features.
5. Evaluate: 3-2-1 Exit Slip: Students will identify three of the earth’s layers, describe two of them, and ask
one question they still have.
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