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June 19 and 20

Today is FINAL PROJECT PRESENTATION DAY!  Thank you to all of my Science 8 students who brought their best learning selves to class each day.  I am so lucky to have had each one of you in my classroom. Enjoy your summers. Stay safe and have fun! 

June 12-14 all blocks

students were given all of these blocks to work on their final projects - at the end of each day there was a checkpoint stating where students 'should' be by the end of the day - support, checkin's, help, and ALL materials were provided for students to complete this project during this time.

June 11 block 4 and 8

Plan of attack for today: 1. Finish reflection Questions (criteria #4) - change font and print to ensure that it fits on your poster properly 2. Buy poster board from the office ($10) 3. Find 1 piece of proud work from each unit (4 total) Next steps: - find photos on Teams and print for poster board

June 10 Blocks 3 and 7

1. Went through the next 2 weeks and created goals for each day.  They are slightly different for each block as our blocks are different the last couple of weeks of school.  See pictures below and make sure you are looking at the right block: BLOCK 7/8 BLOCK 3/4 WE HAD ALL BLOCK WITH LAPTOPS TO WORK ON OUR GOAL FOR MONDAY - FINISH CRITERIA #4 REFLECTION QUESTIONS

June 5 block 43 and June 6 block 87

1. Set up expectations for final project - 5 reflection questions for criteria 4 should be done by the end of the week 2. work block 3. genius hour presentations if any left * NOTE: POSTER BOARDS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT RSS FOR $10 (discounted price) for 30 students to purchase - So if the dollar store or Office an Art Supply store is out don't worry too much about it.

June 3 block 8 and 4

1. Final Project recap - students were given the expectations and marking guide for their final project - they have 2 weeks of class time to do this project Block 3/4 presenting on Wednesday, June 19 in the morning double block Block 7/8 presenting on Thursday, June 20 in the afternoon double block Block 7/8 will have an extra lunch meeting to wrap up on Monday June 17 2. Genius Hour presentations

May 31 block 3 and 7

1. CBC article (linking oral history with scientific literacy/evidence). Read and highlight key understandings: 2. Discuss set up of final project 3. Genius hour presentations

may 29 and 30

1. Lesson 1 activity 2 in Mountain building journal: 2. Review and Reflection in activity 2 (will be marked) 3. First People's knowledge of land forms Story: How the world was made again by Charles Clay Story: The Earth on Turtle's Back by Caduto and Bruchac Video: Video: Video: Frog Mountain Story Article:

May 28

1. What do we know already about mountains brainstorm: 2. review plate boundaries 3. We looked at pictures of all sorts of different mountains (in table groups) and created our own classification system for them based solely on their SHAPE. 4. we did lesson 1 and 2 in our mountain building journals:

May 27 block 7 and 3

1. continents review and mapping activity 2. review boundaries h ttps:// 3. Notes on boundaries 3. genius hour presentations

May 22 block 78 and May 23 block 34

Day 1: Layers of the Earth  1. Layers of the Earth Song – As a class we’ll listen to the song twice. First time straight through and the second time looking at the lyrics and asking students to share on what they heard in the song.  2. Pre-Assessment: Students will be given a pre-assessment on the layers of the earth, three main types of plate boundaries, the cause and effects of mountain building, volcanoes, and earthquakes.  3. Explore: Side by Side Comparison – Layers of the Earth to Milky way Candy Bar – Students will be given a snack size Milky Way bar which they will cut in half with their table partner. They will have a couple of minutes to make observations about each layer in side of the candy bar. They will share out their observations. Then using their background knowledge students and a word bank, students will try to match each layer of the candy bar to a layer of the earth. Explain: Layers of the  4. Earth Foldable – After the previous ac...

may 21

1. reviewed optics unit 2. went to bc science 8 website and linked our evidence of learning to the learning outcomes 3. Vaping Tedx Talk

May 17 - Optics Test

1. Today was Pride day @ RSS 2. review testing expectations 3. We got the opportunity to look at the test for 5 min before writing it - discuss questions with each other and work out any pre-test anxiety. 4. TEST 5. Fun kahoots after of students choice

May 8 and May 9 ALL BLOCKS

Double block today 1st block: 1. Videos on the human eye and vision: 2. Chapter 6.1 in workbook (Parts of the eye and correcting vision pages only) 2nd block: 1. Dissection Lab. Page 212 in Science 8 text:

May 7 blocks 7 and 3

1. Reviewed Questions 1-4 on page 175 2. video on refraction: or this one: 3. Did questions 5-7 on page 175 together 4. Lab - page 178 in Science 8 text book We also discussed how we are going to deal with late assignments going forward.  See the picture below

May 6 block 8 and 4

1. Section 5.1 in text book - we read some parts and experimented with mirrors and light - we defined the law of reflection and drew a figure that will be on our unit test.  See pictures 2. Students did page 175 questions #1-4 in class

May 3 Blocks 3 and 7 LAST GENIUS HOUR

LAST DAY FOR GENIUS HOUR DUE MONDAY MAY 6 - SHARE WITH DANA VIA OFFICE 365 We reviewed our Rubric and I went through what the expectations were. If there is a specific area you would like me to notice please ensure to point that out on your rubric.

May 1 Block 4/3 and May 2 Block 8/7

1. watched video and took notes: Notes: 2. Did the pbs learning media demonstrations (wavelength, frequency and amplitude), we made predictions and measured the waves in each demonstration: 3. Watched the Tacoma Bridge collapse video: 4. Second block we did the  WAVES LAB found here:

April 30 Block 4 and 8

1. We continued organizing our binders and creating unit dividers for our 3 units. Every student should have 3 unit dividers: Unit 1 - Cells and Life Unit 2 - Atoms Unit 3 - Optics 2. Dana handed back 4.1 and 4.2 to put in the optics section 3. We highlighted important info in section 4.1 and made 3 flashcards

April 29 Block 3 and 7

1. Binder clean out and ensuring we have all 7 things in our binders from unit 2 SEE PICTURE AND MAKE SURE TO TALK TO DANA IF YOU DON'T HAVE ALL 7 THINGS! 2. go to   3. look at each of your 7 pieces of learning and link this evidence of learning to the actual curricular competency on the Science 8 website.  For example, the sticky on your lab report could say " Communicate ideas, findings, and solutions to problems, using scientific language, representations, and digital technologies as appropriate"


WE HAVE 2 WEEKS LEFT to finish and submit your genius hour projects. Students should be referring to the assessment criteria to ensure that they are meeting the requirements for this self-led project.  

April 23 and 24 and April 25

Dana was away for these Tuesday and Wednesday, and Mr. Sternloff was our Sub.   1. Teach engineering lesson found here: 2. Have students create rainbows by experimenting with light boxes/flashlights and prisms. Challenge them to separate the colours and try to use 3 prisms to get the light back to white light (see text book page 147)  3. Do “find out activity” on page 144 called rainbows of light.  4. workbook section 4.1 found here: 5. Watch the billy nye ROY G BIV video found here: 6. workbook section 4.2 found here:

April 17 Blocks 7/8

1. First we joined classes with Ms. Carey and did a demonstration with rice krispies.  We made connections to math concepts of BEDMAS and order of operations as well as linking the rice krispies to the structure of the atom. 2. We went to the IT lab and worked on our scientist and invention trading cards. Use COMIC LIFE to create the trading cards (open template, click on education, use trading card superhero)

April 15 Blocks 3 and 7

1. Video: 2. Rest of class to finish atom model DUE TODAY AT END  OF CLASS. Mark sheet handed out.

April 12 Blocks 8 and 4

GENIUS HOUR! We've extended our deadline to May 6th.  Final due date. No exceptions

April 10 and 11, Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

1. Atomic structure Quiz (open book) 2. Review atomic structure video: 3. Periodic Table video: mgU 4. Started to build our elements

April 9 Blocks 7 and 3

1. Discussed the meaning of the word 'sub atomic' and figured out that this meant 'below' atoms. So sub atomic particles are parts of an atom.  We made a connection between organelles in cells and sub atomic particles in atoms. 2. We did the model and the "build an atom" worksheet on this page:

april 4 block 7/8

1. Thermal expansion and contraction: - we talked about pot holes and how they form - we tried to get the metal ring off of the metal ball by using heat and ice to expand and contract the metals - We still didn't get it off! More to come on this 2. Students got 1/2 block to organize their binders and catch up on any missing work. 3. 2nd half of the block we found evidence of learning in our newly organized binders and used our "i can" statements on stickies to showcase this learning.

April 3 blocks 3478

1. Video's: 2. Ms. Carey's math class and Dana's science class joined forces today to do our Density Lab.  - we measured the length, width and height of rectangular prisms and use either digital or balance scales to measure the mass Density = Mass / Volume We measure Mass in grams We measure volume in cm3 (cubed) 3. We talked about thermal expansion and contraction and Dana demonstrated the ring and ball.  At first the ball does not go through the ring, but after heating the ring. The ball fits.....Why? Then the ball got stuck and students proposed how to get the ball out of the ring.  4. We cleaned our our binders out and you were each given 4 sticky notes. On the sticky notes you were using the prompts: I learned.... I can..... I liked this because... or any other one These sticky notes were then placed on the EVIDENCE of learning in your newly organized binder.  ...

April 2 block 4 and 8

1. finish lab report - page 243 in text book - handed it in today 2. 3. Chapter 7.1 pages 246 and 248 - We learned how to highlight important information and key terms out of these two pages.  We are focusing on text features across the curriculum.

April 1 Blocks 3 and 7

1. page 243 - Find out activity - student read the lab with their partner and were responsible, with little teacher instruction, to follow the procedure - if you got stuck, your job was to ask a peer 2. Students are responsible for completing this lab report. Which can be downloaded here:

March 13 and 14th Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

1. How do vaccines work video: 2. parts of a virus video: 3. Build a virus model: first we planned it out and made sure we had all of the parts (genetic material, capsid and envelope) then you got air dry clay and modelling clay and made your own virus. 4. You had to answer 3 questions about your virus: - How will your virus 'get in' the body? - What disease will it cause? BE CREATIVE, make up a unique one - Is it curable? or is there a vaccine for it? 5. We also watched a movie while doing this activity.

March 11 blocks 8 and 4

1. review innate immune system 2. Video: 3. Acquired immune system reading, definitions and choice of either a quiz or flowchart

March 5 block 4 and 8

1. review 'germs' what they are and types (bacteria and viruses) 2. video: innate immune system: 3. Activity 1 from The Vaccine Makers Project:

March 4 Blocks 3 and 7

1. Video (prokaryotes and eukaryotes): 2. Brainstorm about germs 3. Communicable Disease Lab:

Feb 28 Block 7 and 8

1. First block - finish 2.1 and 2.3 of workbook on body systems 2. video: Prokaryotes v.s. Eukaryotes 3. Venn Diagram 4. pg 22 - What did you find out question1 only 5. Bacteria video: 6. Exit slips and self-assessment

Feb 27 work block and prokaryotes v.s. eukaryotes

1. First block - finish 2.1 and 2.3 of workbook on body systems 2. video: Prokaryotes v.s. Eukaryotes 3. Venn Diagram 4. pg 22 - What did you find out question1 only 5. Bacteria video: 6. Exit slips and self-assessment